Wednesday, October 3, 2012

Career Mania 55: GyanCentral - The hub for engineering and law students - IIT-JEE, AIEEE, BITSAT, CLAT, AILET - 2012: Legal G.K...NLU-D, CLAT, SET- 2013

Career Mania 55
GyanCentral - The hub for engineering and law students - IIT-JEE, AIEEE, BITSAT, CLAT, AILET - 2012: Legal G.K...NLU-D, CLAT, SET- 2013
Oct 4th 2012, 03:08

GyanCentral - The hub for engineering and law students - IIT-JEE, AIEEE, BITSAT, CLAT, AILET - 2012
The most comprehensive career education and test preparation forums in india.
Legal G.K...NLU-D, CLAT, SET- 2013
Oct 4th 2012, 02:56

1.International Court of Justice was established in a. 1945 b. 1946 c. 1947 d. 1948. 2.X transfers Rs.4000 to Y on condition that Y shall murder Z. The transfer is
  1. Not void b. Valid c. Voidable d. Void
3. A minor___ a. Can be a transferee b. Cannot be a transferor, but may be a transferee c. Cannot be a transferee d. Can be a transferor or a transferee. 4.Anticipatory Bail can be granted only in a. Any offences b. IPC offences c. Non-bailable offences d. Bailable offences. 5.P committing a murder removed some ornaments from the dead body. Though the accused P was guilty of an offence of murder, the removal of ornaments amounts to a. Theft b. Mischief c. Misappropriation d. Robbery. 6.A instigates B to murder D. B refuses to do so. Murder did not take place. What offence is A guilty of? a. Abetting B to commit murder b. No offence c. Murder d. Conspiracy. 7. The essential ingredients of a crime are a. Knowledge, intention and action b. Actus reus and mens rea c. Motive, intention and knowledge d. Motive, mens rea and actus reus. 8.X shoots Y with the intention of killing him. Y dies in consequence. X commits a. Culpable homicide b. Suicide c. Cheating d. Murder 9. There are_____ sections in the Indian Penal Code a. 155 b. 511 c. 716 d. 617 10.The law which provides for the conservation of biological diversity, sustainable use of its component and allied matters is a. Indian Forest Act 1961 b. Environmental Protection Act c. Wildlife (Protection) Act d. The Biological Diversity Act 2002. 11.If both the parties to a contract believe in the existence of a subject, which in fact does not exist, the agreement would be a. Unenforceable b. Void c. Voidable d. None of these. 12.A contracts to pay to B Rs.1,000/- if B's house is burnt. This is a a. Contingent contract b. Wagering contract c. Voidable contract d. None. 13.Capital offences result in a. Imprisonment over 10 years b. Amputation c. Sentence of death d. Sentence of life imprisonment. 14. The reckoning date for the determination of the age of the juvenile is the a. date of arrest b. date of trial c. date of judgment d. date of the offence. 15. __________ is also called Sarada Act a. Domestic Violence Act b. Special Marriage Act c. Child Marriage Restraint Act d. Dowry Prohibition Act. 16. Mistake of fact is excused under criminal law because a. It is in public interest b. There is no mens read c. It is a mistake d. None of these. 17. Recently the Union Government has asserted before the Supreme Court that 'natural gas' is a a. Private property b. National asset c. Property of Relaince Industries d. State property. 18.The term 'Person' includes a. Human beings only b. Living persons only c. Any company or association or body of individuals whether incorporated or not d. None of these. 19. Which of the following cases was heard by the largest bench of Supreme Court? a. Golak Nath Vs. Union of India b. Minerva Mills Vs. Union of India c. Keshavanda Bharti Vs. union of India d. S.R. Bommai Vs. Union of India. 20. To pledge goods as security for debt a. Indemnity b. Pawn c. Pledge d. Security. 21. Name the first Indian to become the President of the International Court of Justice? a. R.S. Patak b. Nagendra Singh c. S.P. Barucha d. None of the above. 22. The first law commission after independence was established in a. 1950 b. 1956 c. 1955 d. 1954. 23. What does the maxim 'salus populi est suprema lex' a. Welfare of people is paramount law b. Law is supreme in society c. Law is equal for everyone d. Everyone is equal before law. 24. A cuts down a tree on Z's ground, with the intention of dishonestly taking the tree out of Z's possession without Z's consent. Here as soon as A has severed the tree in order to such taking he has committed a. Robbery b. Dacoity c. Theft d. Trespass of land. 25. Which of the following Committee is related with Prevention of Corruption? a. Fazil Ali Committee b. Sarkaria Committee c. Venkatasamy Commission d. Santhanam Committee. 26. An appeal from the decision of Supreme Court can be made to a. Privy council b. ICJ c. Both (a) and (b) d. Neither (a) or (b). 27. A retired judge of Supreme Court cannot take up one of the following employment. a. Chairman of an Enquiry Commission b. Practice before Supreme Court c. Chairman of National Human Rights Commission d. Chairman of Law Commission. 28. Right of way is covered under a. Easements Act b. Contract Act c. Law of Torts d. Right of Passage Act. 29. The provisions of Indian Succession Act do not apply to a. Muslims b. Indians c. Hindus d. Both Hindus and Muslims. 30.How many judges sat on the bench to hear the landmark case of Keshavananda Bharati Vs. State of Kerala in 1973? a. 7 b. 9 c. 13 d. 11 31.Which court nullified Mrs. Indira Gandhi's election to Lok Sabha in 1975? a. Supreme Court of India b. Delhi High Court c. Allahabad High Court d. Bombay High Court. 32. Dying Declaration is dealt with in Section 32 of the____ a. Evidence Act b. IPC c. Cr.P.C d. None of these. 33. In India, uniform civil code is applicable in the state of a. Goa b. Nagaland c. Jammu Kashmir d. Maharashtra. 34. Who was the advisor to the Constituent Assembly? a. B.R.Ambedkar b. B.N. Rao c. Alladi Krishnaswamy d. Ivor Jennings. 35. Sex determination tests have been banned by a. Ultra Sound Control Act b. Pre-Natal Diagnostic Techniques (Regulation and Prevention of Misuse) Act c. Miscarriage Child Act d. SDT (Prohibition) Act. 36.Nothing is an offence which is done by a child under a. Eight years b. Ten years c. Seven years d. Twelve years. 37.The first model e-court of the country was launched in a. Cochin b. Chennai c. Bhopal d. Ahmedabad. 38. PAN number contains _____ alpha numeric characters a. 10 b. 12 c. 14 d. 9. 39. How many times the President of India can seek re-election to his post? a. Once b. 2 times c. 3 times d. Any number of times. 40."Law is a jealous mistress" – this often quoted phrase is attributed to a. Austin b. Bentham c. Blackstone d. Joseph Story. 41.An agreement to share the benefits of public office is a. Valid b. Voidable c. Void d. None. 42.The first lok adalat was held at a. New Delhi b. Jaipur c. Cochin d. Chennai. 43.Who heads the 4 member Committee appointed to study the Centre-state relations especially the changes that took place since Sarkaria Commission a. Justice M.M. Punchi b. Nanavati c. Barucha d. None. 44.The first Asian Woman Magistrate in England was a. Sujatah Manohar b. Leela Seth c. K.K. Usha d. Ms. Kanta Tabier. 45.The disobedience of any judgment, order, etc., of a court amounts to a. Contempt of Court b. Perjury c. Forgery d. Sedition. Thank you............Answers shall be post soon.....:(y):

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