Monday, October 29, 2012

Career Mania 55: GyanCentral - The hub for engineering and law students - IIT-JEE, AIEEE, BITSAT, CLAT, AILET - 2012: CLAT Gyani Quiz 2 - Question and Answers

Career Mania 55
GyanCentral - The hub for engineering and law students - IIT-JEE, AIEEE, BITSAT, CLAT, AILET - 2012: CLAT Gyani Quiz 2 - Question and Answers
Oct 29th 2012, 08:09

GyanCentral - The hub for engineering and law students - IIT-JEE, AIEEE, BITSAT, CLAT, AILET - 2012
The source for all engineering and legal education news in India
CLAT Gyani Quiz 2 - Question and Answers
Oct 29th 2012, 07:25

Please find below the questions and answers for the CLAT Gyani Quiz 2 which was conducted on October, 27, 2012 If you have any doubts kindly post it here Maths 1. The numbers of students studying Mathematics, Commerce and Geology in a college were in the ratio 7: 5: 9 respectively. If the number in these three disciplines increased by 50%, 65% and 25% respectively in the next year, then what was the new respective ratio? a) 14:11:18 b) 21: 17: 18 c) 14:11:15 d) Cannot be determined Ans: c) 2. The sum of 2 numbers is 1480. The bigger number divided by the smaller number gives a quotient of 6 and a remainder of 24. What's the smaller number? a. 212 b. 208 c. 204 d. 224 Ans: b) 3. A boy was asked to multiply a certain number by 34. He multiplied it by 43 and got his answer more than the correct one by 1026. Find number to be multiplied A 102 b. 114 c. 118 d. 126 Ans: b) 4. A, B and C start a business. They invest Rs. 70,000, 40,000 and 80,000 respectively. A takes out his money after 8 months and B after 5 months. C keeps his money throughout. The total profit at end of year is Rs. 55,900. If they share profits according to their individual contribution, what is A's share a. 19600 b. 18200 c. 16800 d. 16900 Ans: b) 5. A number lock consists of 3 rings each marked with 10 different numbers. In how many cases the locks cannot be opened? a. 110 b. 999 c. 30 d. 3^10 Ans: b) 6. Which number comes in place of the blank 24, 120, 720, ____, 40320 a. 3840 b. 5040 c. 4560 d. 4320 Ans: b) 7. In an election between two candidates one secured 56.4% votes and won by 48000 votes. Find the total votes polled if 20% votes were declared invalid a. 450,000 b. 375,000 c. 468,750 d. 412,500 Ans: b) 8. There are 7 boys and 5 girls in a club. In how many ways can a team of 5 be formed having a maximum of 3 girls? a. 504 b. 756 c. 1036 d. 1296 Ans: b) 9. If the compounded interest for 4 years at 10% on a certain principal is Rs. 4641, what is the principal? A. 9000 B. 11000 c. 10500 d. 10000 Ans: d) 10. A person buys 18 local tickets for Rs. 134. Each first class ticket costs Rs. 9 and each second class ticket costs Rs. 5. What will another lot of 18 tickets in which the number of first class and second class tickets are interchanged cost? a. 112 b. 118 c. 126 d. 120 Ans: b) 11. (1+i/1-i) =? (where I is √-1) a. -1 b. -i c. I d. 1 Ans: c) 12. If the sum of the first 11 terms of an AP is equal to the sum of the first 19 terms, then what is the sum of the first 30 terms? a. 0 b. -1 c. 1 d. Not unique Ans: a) 13. A milkman mixes 10 litres of water with 90 litres of milk. After selling one third of this mixture, he adds water to replenish the quantity that he has sold. What is the current proportion of water to milk? a. 1:3 b. 3:7 c. 2:3 d. 1:2 Ans: c) 14. If a man cycles at 16 km/hr, then he arrives at a certain place at 12 p.m. If he cycles at 24 km/ hr, he will arrive at the same place at 10 a.m. At what speed must he cycle to get there at 11 am? a. 20.8 kmph b. 19.2 kmph c. 20 kmph d. 21.6 kmph Ans: b) 15. Two boats, traveling at 8 and 12 kms per hour, head directly towards each other. They begin at a distance of 30 kms from each other. How far apart are they (in kms) three minutes before they collide? a. 5 b. 1 c. 1.5 d. 2 Ans: b) English DIRECTIONS for questions 1 to 20: Choose the word for each blank that best fits the meaning of the sentence as a whole. 1. This music box will be a useful ______ to our antique shop. a) arrival b) discovery c) asset d) addition Ans: d) 2. Her most striking __________ is the passion which she brings everything she does. a) characteristic b) factor c) attitude d) price Ans: a) 3. Indira Gandhi admired precision in everything, but it never hampered her quick _____________. a) finalisation b) decision c) dealing d) action Ans: b) 4. World bank's current policy includes certain projects for ____________ living condition of poor. a) manipulating b) bettering c) harmonising d) ignoring Ans: b) 5. A restaurant that presents spicks and span look will naturally __________ more customers. a) invite b) accommodate c) attract d) avoid Ans: c) 6. Though they did not speak to each other much, there was a _________ understanding between them in office while attending customers. a) placid b) verbal c) contractual d) tactic Ans: d) 7. My friend took her first pay to the bank to ___________ it in her account. a) deposit b) debit c) deficit d) demote Ans: a) 8. Family planning in India is essential for curbing rapid ________ in population. a) spread b) increase c) spurt d) augment Ans: b) 9. We must __________ the tickets for the movie advance. a) draw b) buy c) remove d) take Ans: b) 10. One________ and you know who among them is the culprit. a) peep b) sight c) look d) gaze Ans: c) 11. The ties that bind a family together are so _________ that they can hardly with stand any strain. a) tentative b) twisted c) tenacious d) tenuous Ans: d) 12. The stenographer is very efficient. She is _________ to her firm. a) An asset b) A credit c) A blessing d) A boon Ans: a) 13. The music for asiad was ____________ by Pandit Ravi Shankar. a) displayed b) composed c) made d) demonstrated Ans: b) 14.The co-founder of new IT company decided to ___________ his position and step down. a) abandon b) abdicate c) resign d) repudiate Ans: b) 15. The government should provide attractive tax ____________ to create the market for quality goods. a) revenues b) controls c) incentives d) facilities Ans: c)

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