Sunday, September 30, 2012

Career Mania 55: Flamoyer 2012 - GKM College of Engineering and Technology - Chennai - Mechanical Fest

Career Mania 55
Career,movies Flamoyer 2012 - GKM College of Engineering and Technology - Chennai - Mechanical Fest
Oct 1st 2012, 06:54
India's BIGGEST Website for Engineers & Aspiring Engineers!
Flamoyer 2012 - GKM College of Engineering and Technology - Chennai - Mechanical Fest
Oct 1st 2012, 05:19

About Flamoyer 2012 : G.K.M. College of Engineering & Technology, Chennai is a premier technical educational institution established in 1996 by Dr.G.Kathamuthu, Chairman, Suganthi Educational Trust with Dr.Sujatha Balasubramanian as Chief Executive Officer, Dr.K.P.Jagannathan as the Director & Dr.N.Ramaraj as the Principal. Flamoyer 2012 : Tech Fest Events : Many interesting events are scheduled for this edition of Tech fest : Events :
  • Paper Presentation
  • Project Presentation
  • RC Rage
  • Quiz
  • Bottle Rocketry
  • CAD Modelling
  • Gaming
  • Treasure Hunt
To know more details about Flamoyer 2012, please visit the following link: Flamoyer 2012

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Career Mania 55: Mechanical Reasoning questions

Career Mania 55
Career,movies Mechanical Reasoning questions
Oct 1st 2012, 06:54
India's BIGGEST Website for Engineers & Aspiring Engineers!
Mechanical Reasoning questions
Oct 1st 2012, 05:38

hi frnds study the attached mechanical resoning questions.......

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Career Mania 55: fundamentals of digital circuit by anand kumar

Career Mania 55
Career,movies fundamentals of digital circuit by anand kumar
Oct 1st 2012, 06:54
India's BIGGEST Website for Engineers & Aspiring Engineers!
fundamentals of digital circuit by anand kumar
Oct 1st 2012, 06:02

please send me fundamentals of digital circuit by anand kumar. my mail addresse - :(happy)::(hi)::'(

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Career Mania 55: GyanCentral - The hub for engineering and law students - IIT-JEE, AIEEE, BITSAT, CLAT, AILET - 2012: Current Affairs October I

Career Mania 55
GyanCentral - The hub for engineering and law students - IIT-JEE, AIEEE, BITSAT, CLAT, AILET - 2012: Current Affairs October I
Oct 1st 2012, 06:08

GyanCentral - The hub for engineering and law students - IIT-JEE, AIEEE, BITSAT, CLAT, AILET - 2012
The most comprehensive career education and test preparation forums in india.
Current Affairs October I
Oct 1st 2012, 06:02

Q.1. "Green Carbon, Black Trade" is a report which has been recently released by (a) Green Piece (b) UNEP (c) OECD (d) None Ans. UNEP Q.2. Which is referred to as "alternative Nobel' prize? (a) Right Livelihood Award (b) Ramon Magsaysay Award (c) Gandhi Peace Award (d) None Ans. Right Livelihood Award Q.3. Where Second International Buddhist Conclave is to be hosted? (a) Varanasi (b) Sarnath (c) Bodh Gaya (d) None Ans. Varanasi Q.4. How many Indian banks till now have been rated as global systemically important banks (G-SIBS) under BASIL-III? (a) one (b) two (c) three (d) zero Ans. zero Q.5. Central Fuel Research Institute is located at? (a) Nagpur (b) Dhanbad (c) Manglore (d) Bombay Ans. Dhanbad

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Career Mania 55: Inceptum 2012 - G.B Pant Engineering College - Delhi - Tech Fest

Career Mania 55
Career,movies Inceptum 2012 - G.B Pant Engineering College - Delhi - Tech Fest
Oct 1st 2012, 05:56
India's BIGGEST Website for Engineers & Aspiring Engineers!
Inceptum 2012 - G.B Pant Engineering College - Delhi - Tech Fest
Oct 1st 2012, 04:48

About Inceptum 2012: College life is one of the most exciting phases in anyone's life. It is in this period when you learn to handle the pleasure of freedom with the responsibility of a career simultaneously.Along with studies, technical and non-technical activities go on a long way in shaping the personality of a student and here only we came across the idea of an event to accomplish that... INCEPTUM Inceptum 2012 : Tech Fest Events : Many interesting events are scheduled for this edition of Tech fest : Events :
  • Technical Events:
  • Robotics Events
  • Texibit
  • Techquiz
  • Mathquest
  • Bridge-Making
  • Beyond-Imagination
  • Codex
  • Non-Technical Events:
  • Subsey Filmy
  • Snapshots
  • Battle Of Sexes
  • Lan Gaming
  • And Many More On
To know more details about Inceptum 2012, please visit the following link: Inceptum 2012

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Career Mania 55: Career Guidance : Campus Recruitment – Skills Important

Career Mania 55
Career,movies Career Guidance : Campus Recruitment – Skills Important
Oct 1st 2012, 05:00
The Engineering Universe
Career Guidance : Campus Recruitment – Skills Important
Oct 1st 2012, 04:27

Most of the Engineering graduates from the engineering colleges and universities in India are getting lots of opportunities. Campus Placements are very useful for an aspirant who has just completed his Graduation. The students who uses his knowledge wisely and carefully will grab the opportunity and enjoy the previlage of working for an Multi National Company. In  this article we are going to give you a detailed description of the Opportunities, Higher education, Entrepreneurship  Campus Placement Process, Tips for the aspirants attending Campus Placements and more..

Opportunities for  Engineering Graduates after the Completion of their Course  :

  • Campus Recruitment
  • Getting jobs in Government sector based on their GATE Score
  • Eligible to apply for the UPSC's Indian Engineering service Exam for getting jobs in Central level
  • Defense services (Indian Army, Navy and Air fore)
  • Banking and Insurance (Preferably not suggested )
  • Research fellowships from the reputed universities and work centers
  • Open placement opportunities, walk in's, online job portals

  Opportunities for Engineering Graduates to do their Higher studies :

This is for the students who want to continue their education to further level. Here are some valuable suggestions and information for such students

  • Based on their gate score they can get seat in the reputed universities for doing their M.Tech  programmes
  • Some institutes and Universities are offering M.Tech programmes irrespective of the GATE Score.
  • They can opt for doing MBA programs in various universities based on their CAT, MAT scores
  • They also can Opt for the Research programs under DRDO, ISRO etc,.
  • Based  on their GRE, TOFEL courses they can get admission In foreign countires  as well.

The students who have done their B.Tech or BE can opt for the Options mentioned above to persue their higher education. They can choose any of those options based on their intrest.

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Career Mania 55: GyanCentral - The hub for engineering and law students - IIT-JEE, AIEEE, BITSAT, CLAT, AILET - 2012: Legal Reasoning- 4

Career Mania 55
GyanCentral - The hub for engineering and law students - IIT-JEE, AIEEE, BITSAT, CLAT, AILET - 2012: Legal Reasoning- 4
Oct 1st 2012, 02:11

GyanCentral - The hub for engineering and law students - IIT-JEE, AIEEE, BITSAT, CLAT, AILET - 2012
The most comprehensive career education and test preparation forums in india.
Legal Reasoning- 4
Oct 1st 2012, 01:59

1. Legal Principle- Whoever voluntarily causes or attempts to cause any person to do anything, which that person is not legally bound to do so, or to omit to do anything which he is legally entitled to do, by inducing or attempting to induce that person to believe, that he or any person in whom he is interested, will become or will be rendered by some act of the offender, an object of divine displeasure. If he does not do the thing which it is the object of the offender to cause him to do or if he does the thing which it is the object of offender cause him to omit, shall be punished. Factual Situation – K induced L to dedicate to God one of the right fingers during a full moon night in the month of June otherwise his elder son will be permanently mad due to displeasure of God of death. L believing in such words of K cut the little finger of middle son at rituals made during the said night. His neighbour M saw the scene and informed police. The police arrested K and L next morning. Decision a. K and L both are liable to be prosecuted because they have done such illegal work voluntarily. b. Only K is liable to be prosecuted because he has proposed for such offence. c. Only L is liable because he obeyed K for such illegal act. d. K is not liable because he has not threatened L to obey him and L is not liable to be prosecuted because he has done it in dedication to God. Answer – a 2. Legal Principle-Part performance in the contract is subject to the part consideration. Factual Situation- Nandini agreed with Jodhpur Cultural Society to sing in their society for a period of 10 days. The society agreed to pay Rs 1000 every day. Nandini performed for 5 days. Thereafter, she went to Jaipur for some other program without informing Jodhpur Cultural Society. Therefore, they cancelled her programme for the remaining days. Nandini claimed her remuneration for the five days during which time she sang at the society. Society did not pay suggesting they had to face problems and sustained loss for cancelling her programme. They want her to pay damages. Decision a. Nandini shall succeed in getting her 5 days remuneration and not liable for compensation to pay to Jodhpur Cultural Society. b. Nandini shall succeed for getting 10 days remuneration. c. Nandini shall not pay the compensation. d. Nandini shall not pay compensation and not to claim 5 days remuneration. Answer –a 3. Legal Principle- Ignorance of law is not an excuse in India with the practice that every person in India should be acquainted with the law of land. Factual Situation- Mr Jackson a foreigner came to Delhi in the winter season. He saw the people in Delhi set fire on road side during night and get their body warm. One night he came out of his hotel and asked two labourers to cut down a dry tree in Pandara Road and when they agreed he paid them Rs 150 for cutting down the tree. They cut and made the log into small pieces and the foreigner along with the tree cutters set fire and got their body warm. After some time the Police Patrol car watched it and arrested the foreigner and two labourers on the spot. The foreigner pleaded that the tree was dry and he did not know the cutting of tree from road side is an offence in India. Decision a. The foreigner shall not be responsible for the offence because he himself has not cut but through the Indian people. b. The foreigner shall be punished because in India cutting of tree from road side is an offence. c. The pretence that he does not know such act is an offence is not an excuse to a foreigner also. d. Both b and c Answer- d 4. Legal Principle- The contract can be enforceable only when it is based on the contractual obligations. Factual Situation- Prakash hailing from Kerala joined a firm in Delhi. He gave his new black coat for dry cleaning. The dry cleaner gave him a receipt on which it was mentioned "Read terms overleaf". All the terms were written in Hindi. One of the terms was that if clothes were lost or damaged, dry cleaners would be compensating only to the extent of 50 % of its market value. Unfortunately, Prakash's coat was lost. Prakash demanded the entire money and he argued that he did not know Hindi and therefore he couldn't read the terms. Decision- a. Prakash will succeed only for 50 % of the market value of the coat, because it is not the responsibility of dry cleaner to make Prakash read Hindi version of terms and condition. b. Prakash will succeed for 100% because the dry cleaner has to make him read for language of terms and condition. c. Prakash will not succeed for any claim. d. Prakash will not succeed for 50 % of the market value of the coat. Answer- d 5. Principle: If a person brings a potentially dangerous thing on his land, and if such thing escapes and does damage, then such person should be responsible, even if he was not negligent. Facts: Sudeep, a wildlife scientist maintains a herd of antelopes on a vast tract of land in order to study their behaviour. One night, five electricity poles just outside the plot fall on the fence surrounding the plot and a stretch of fencing gives way. Antelopes from the plot of land escape to the nearby field and damage the crops. Farmers sue Sudeep for the damage caused to their crops. a. Sudeep is liable to compensate the farmers b. Sudeep is not negligent so he is not liable to compensate the farmers c. Farmers should sue the electricity department and not Sudeep. d. Sudeep can recover compensation from the Electricity Department. Answer- a

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Career Mania 55: For sale new Apple iphone 5 64GB & Samsung i9300 Galaxy S III

Career Mania 55
Career,movies For sale new Apple iphone 5 64GB & Samsung i9300 Galaxy S III
Sep 30th 2012, 22:57
India's BIGGEST Website for Engineers & Aspiring Engineers!
For sale new Apple iphone 5 64GB & Samsung i9300 Galaxy S III
Sep 30th 2012, 21:47

we are a authorize wholesaling company not retailer / reseller so our price can not be the same as the retail price.Most retailers do get there order from us and resell, But we get all our products directly from there various respective manufacturer in bulk, and that is why we offer them for those prices. We offer wholesales for Brand New Latest Apple Products such as iPhone 4, iphone 4S & iPad2. All products are from Apple company, 100% original and official unlocked, with the original sealed new box and all the accessories, come with Apple manufacturers 12 month guarantee. Here is the best price for iPhone 5,iPhone 4S, iPad2, iPad 3 all in 16g, 32 & 64GB available in (Black/white are available) WE DEAL ON OTHER BRANDS OF MOBILE PHONES TOO Contact Name : Tarquin Piers Send Enquiry to : MSN CHAT : NOTE : Price is Negotiable Samsung I9300 Galaxy S III - $399.99USD Apple iPhone 5 16GB US$ 495/per unit --- sample US$ 470/per unit --- 2units US$ 445/per unit --- 5units US$ 415/per unit --- 10units Apple iPhone 5 32GB US$ 520/per unit --- sample US$ 505/per unit --- 2units US$ 475/per unit --- 5units US$ 445/per unit --- 10units Apple iPhone 5 64GB US$ 545/per unit --- sample US$ 525/per unit --- 2units US$ 505/per unit --- 5units US$ 460/per unit --- 10units Apple iPhone 4S 16GB US$ 340/per unit --- sample US$ 320/per unit --- 2units US$ 305/per unit --- 5units US$ 275/per unit --- 10units Apple iPhone 4S 32GB US$ 370/per unit --- sample US$ 355/per unit --- 2units US$ 330/per unit --- 5units US$ 310/per unit --- 10units Apple iPhone 4S 64GB US$ 385/per unit --- sample US$ 365/per unit --- 2units US$ 345/per unit --- 5units US$ 310/per unit --- 10units Apple Tablet iPad 2 16GB(Wi-Fi + 3G) US$ 280/per unit --- sample US$ 260/per unit --- 2units US$ 240/per unit --- 5units US$ 210/per unit --- 10units Apple Tablet iPad 2 32GB(Wi-Fi + 3G) US$ 290/unit --- sample US$ 275/unit --- 2units US$ 260/unit --- 5units US$ 245/unit --- 10units Apple Tablet iPad 2 64GB(Wi-Fi + 3G) US$ 305/per unit --- sample US$ 295/per unit --- 2units US$ 270/per unit --- 5units US$ 250/per unit --- 10units Apple Tablet iPad 3 16GB Wi-Fi + 4G US$ 395/per unit --- sample US$ 370/per unit --- 2units US$ 350/per unit --- 5units US$ 315/per unit --- 10units Apple Tablet iPad 3 32GB Wi-Fi + 4G US$ 410/per unit --- sample US$ 390/per unit --- 2units US$ 365/per unit --- 5units US$ 330/per unit --- 10units Apple Tablet iPad 3 64GB Wi-Fi + 4G US$ 440/per unit --- sample US$ 400/per unit --- 2units US$ 375/per unit --- 5units US$ 345/per unit --- 10units Shipping way: DHL, TNT, UPS, EMS, FedEx (delivery to any given address worldwide) DELIVERY TIME Within UK,USA & CANADA 2-3 days OTHER EU,MIDDLE EAST & ASIA COUNTRIES 3-4 days Drop shipping is available, we can drop ship individual orders directly to your clients. Contact Name : Tarquin Piers Send Enquiry to :

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Career Mania 55: Buy original Apple iphone 5 64GB & Apple iPad 2 64GB(Wi-Fi + 3G)

Career Mania 55
Career,movies Buy original Apple iphone 5 64GB & Apple iPad 2 64GB(Wi-Fi + 3G)
Sep 30th 2012, 22:57
India's BIGGEST Website for Engineers & Aspiring Engineers!
Buy original Apple iphone 5 64GB & Apple iPad 2 64GB(Wi-Fi + 3G)
Sep 30th 2012, 21:46

we are a authorize wholesaling company not retailer / reseller so our price can not be the same as the retail price.Most retailers do get there order from us and resell, But we get all our products directly from there various respective manufacturer in bulk, and that is why we offer them for those prices. We offer wholesales for Brand New Latest Apple Products such as iPhone 4, iphone 4S & iPad2. All products are from Apple company, 100% original and official unlocked, with the original sealed new box and all the accessories, come with Apple manufacturers 12 month guarantee. Here is the best price for iPhone 5,iPhone 4S, iPad2, iPad 3 all in 16g, 32 & 64GB available in (Black/white are available) WE DEAL ON OTHER BRANDS OF MOBILE PHONES TOO Contact Name : Tarquin Piers Send Enquiry to : MSN CHAT : NOTE : Price is Negotiable Samsung I9300 Galaxy S III - $399.99USD Apple iPhone 5 16GB US$ 495/per unit --- sample US$ 470/per unit --- 2units US$ 445/per unit --- 5units US$ 415/per unit --- 10units Apple iPhone 5 32GB US$ 520/per unit --- sample US$ 505/per unit --- 2units US$ 475/per unit --- 5units US$ 445/per unit --- 10units Apple iPhone 5 64GB US$ 545/per unit --- sample US$ 525/per unit --- 2units US$ 505/per unit --- 5units US$ 460/per unit --- 10units Apple iPhone 4S 16GB US$ 340/per unit --- sample US$ 320/per unit --- 2units US$ 305/per unit --- 5units US$ 275/per unit --- 10units Apple iPhone 4S 32GB US$ 370/per unit --- sample US$ 355/per unit --- 2units US$ 330/per unit --- 5units US$ 310/per unit --- 10units Apple iPhone 4S 64GB US$ 385/per unit --- sample US$ 365/per unit --- 2units US$ 345/per unit --- 5units US$ 310/per unit --- 10units Apple Tablet iPad 2 16GB(Wi-Fi + 3G) US$ 280/per unit --- sample US$ 260/per unit --- 2units US$ 240/per unit --- 5units US$ 210/per unit --- 10units Apple Tablet iPad 2 32GB(Wi-Fi + 3G) US$ 290/unit --- sample US$ 275/unit --- 2units US$ 260/unit --- 5units US$ 245/unit --- 10units Apple Tablet iPad 2 64GB(Wi-Fi + 3G) US$ 305/per unit --- sample US$ 295/per unit --- 2units US$ 270/per unit --- 5units US$ 250/per unit --- 10units Apple Tablet iPad 3 16GB Wi-Fi + 4G US$ 395/per unit --- sample US$ 370/per unit --- 2units US$ 350/per unit --- 5units US$ 315/per unit --- 10units Apple Tablet iPad 3 32GB Wi-Fi + 4G US$ 410/per unit --- sample US$ 390/per unit --- 2units US$ 365/per unit --- 5units US$ 330/per unit --- 10units Apple Tablet iPad 3 64GB Wi-Fi + 4G US$ 440/per unit --- sample US$ 400/per unit --- 2units US$ 375/per unit --- 5units US$ 345/per unit --- 10units Shipping way: DHL, TNT, UPS, EMS, FedEx (delivery to any given address worldwide) DELIVERY TIME Within UK,USA & CANADA 2-3 days OTHER EU,MIDDLE EAST & ASIA COUNTRIES 3-4 days Drop shipping is available, we can drop ship individual orders directly to your clients. Contact Name : Tarquin Piers Send Enquiry to :

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Career Mania 55: For sale new Apple iphone 5 64GB & Samsung i9300 Galaxy S III

Career Mania 55
Career,movies For sale new Apple iphone 5 64GB & Samsung i9300 Galaxy S III
Sep 30th 2012, 22:57
India's BIGGEST Website for Engineers & Aspiring Engineers!
For sale new Apple iphone 5 64GB & Samsung i9300 Galaxy S III
Sep 30th 2012, 21:47

we are a authorize wholesaling company not retailer / reseller so our price can not be the same as the retail price.Most retailers do get there order from us and resell, But we get all our products directly from there various respective manufacturer in bulk, and that is why we offer them for those prices. We offer wholesales for Brand New Latest Apple Products such as iPhone 4, iphone 4S & iPad2. All products are from Apple company, 100% original and official unlocked, with the original sealed new box and all the accessories, come with Apple manufacturers 12 month guarantee. Here is the best price for iPhone 5,iPhone 4S, iPad2, iPad 3 all in 16g, 32 & 64GB available in (Black/white are available) WE DEAL ON OTHER BRANDS OF MOBILE PHONES TOO Contact Name : Tarquin Piers Send Enquiry to : MSN CHAT : NOTE : Price is Negotiable Samsung I9300 Galaxy S III - $399.99USD Apple iPhone 5 16GB US$ 495/per unit --- sample US$ 470/per unit --- 2units US$ 445/per unit --- 5units US$ 415/per unit --- 10units Apple iPhone 5 32GB US$ 520/per unit --- sample US$ 505/per unit --- 2units US$ 475/per unit --- 5units US$ 445/per unit --- 10units Apple iPhone 5 64GB US$ 545/per unit --- sample US$ 525/per unit --- 2units US$ 505/per unit --- 5units US$ 460/per unit --- 10units Apple iPhone 4S 16GB US$ 340/per unit --- sample US$ 320/per unit --- 2units US$ 305/per unit --- 5units US$ 275/per unit --- 10units Apple iPhone 4S 32GB US$ 370/per unit --- sample US$ 355/per unit --- 2units US$ 330/per unit --- 5units US$ 310/per unit --- 10units Apple iPhone 4S 64GB US$ 385/per unit --- sample US$ 365/per unit --- 2units US$ 345/per unit --- 5units US$ 310/per unit --- 10units Apple Tablet iPad 2 16GB(Wi-Fi + 3G) US$ 280/per unit --- sample US$ 260/per unit --- 2units US$ 240/per unit --- 5units US$ 210/per unit --- 10units Apple Tablet iPad 2 32GB(Wi-Fi + 3G) US$ 290/unit --- sample US$ 275/unit --- 2units US$ 260/unit --- 5units US$ 245/unit --- 10units Apple Tablet iPad 2 64GB(Wi-Fi + 3G) US$ 305/per unit --- sample US$ 295/per unit --- 2units US$ 270/per unit --- 5units US$ 250/per unit --- 10units Apple Tablet iPad 3 16GB Wi-Fi + 4G US$ 395/per unit --- sample US$ 370/per unit --- 2units US$ 350/per unit --- 5units US$ 315/per unit --- 10units Apple Tablet iPad 3 32GB Wi-Fi + 4G US$ 410/per unit --- sample US$ 390/per unit --- 2units US$ 365/per unit --- 5units US$ 330/per unit --- 10units Apple Tablet iPad 3 64GB Wi-Fi + 4G US$ 440/per unit --- sample US$ 400/per unit --- 2units US$ 375/per unit --- 5units US$ 345/per unit --- 10units Shipping way: DHL, TNT, UPS, EMS, FedEx (delivery to any given address worldwide) DELIVERY TIME Within UK,USA & CANADA 2-3 days OTHER EU,MIDDLE EAST & ASIA COUNTRIES 3-4 days Drop shipping is available, we can drop ship individual orders directly to your clients. Contact Name : Tarquin Piers Send Enquiry to :

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Career Mania 55: GyanCentral - The hub for engineering and law students - IIT-JEE, AIEEE, BITSAT, CLAT, AILET - 2012: Legal Reasoning- 3

Career Mania 55
GyanCentral - The hub for engineering and law students - IIT-JEE, AIEEE, BITSAT, CLAT, AILET - 2012: Legal Reasoning- 3
Sep 30th 2012, 21:09

GyanCentral - The hub for engineering and law students - IIT-JEE, AIEEE, BITSAT, CLAT, AILET - 2012
The most comprehensive career education and test preparation forums in india.
Legal Reasoning- 3
Sep 30th 2012, 20:10

1. Legal Principle- Whoever attempts to commit an offence punishable by the Indian Penal Code with imprisonment for life or imprisonment, or to cause such an offence to be committed and in such attempt does any act towards the commission of the offence, shall be punished. Factual Situation- X stays in South Extension, New Delhi. One evening he thought to steal all the gold jewellery from Mehra and Sons Company at South Extension branch. He called his two friends to help him in such of his drive towards being rich overnight. Then the trio made the underground hole towards the Mehra & Sons from north side during midnight. During such process one of his friends died when collided with the concrete of the groundfloor of Mehra and Sons. X and his another friend also received injuries and became unsuccessful to enter into the Mehra & Sons. On the information from the night watchman the police arrived at the spot and arrested Mr X and his surviving friend and sent the body and sent the body of their dead friend to the AIIMS for post-mortem after necessary legal formalities. Mr X and his surviving friend told the police that they have not committed any theft, even they have not entered into such jewellery shop and their friend also died hence they are neither responsible for breaking an law nor to jewellery shop. Decide. Decision a. X and his friend are not liable because their friend died. He along with his friend were injured. b. X and his friend not liable because even they have not touched any jewellery. c. X and his friend can be responsible because their act attracts the other thieves to try at Mehra & Sons who have more jewellery and it is a problem in future for such a big jewellery shop. d. X and his friend can be held responsible because they attempted to commit an offence under the IPC and their attempt did an act towards the commission of offence. answer- d 2. Legal Principle- Whoever, intending to insult the modesty of any woman, utters any word, makes any sound or gesture, or exhibits any object, intending that such word or sound shall be heard, and that such gesture or object shall be seen, by such woman , or intrudes upon the privacy of such woman , shall be punished. Factual Situation- Ms. Praveen works in an Export House in Greater Noida. There are more than 150 employees along with workers in such company. One of the employees Ritesh wanted to have some talk with Ms. Praveen. But she scolded him in front of some 50 workers in employee's canteen. Taking this grudge, Ritesh every day during entry at morning pats Ms. Praveen's hand and shakes her right hand for a few minutes against her will. One day she made up her mind and informed to her boss. But the boss considering the work efficiency of Ritesh did not take any action. She alternatively informed the police. Police arrested Ritesh. Ritesh defended himself on the point that he used to shake her hand and it is a manner of wishing a colleague and second point is that his boss is competent authority to take action because it is the work place. Decision a. Ritesh shall be punished because shaking hand with a girl against her will amounts to the sexual harassment at work place and such a act is subject to be prosecuted. b. Ritesh can be punished only by his Boss not by Court of Law and if his Boss forgives then there is not law in India to punish him. c. Ritesh shall not be punished because shaking hand is not offence in India. d. Ritesh shall not be punished because he acts in such manner only during office hour and before many employees not in an abandoned area. Answer- a 3. Legal Principle- Consumer for any transaction has own choice for the better taste of goods and services. Factual Situation- Rama Rao, a merchant from Bangalore was on a tour in Jaisalmer. he came across a shop, which was on a tour in Jaisalmer. He came across a shop, which was selling dry fruits. Rao saw some oats, which were good and decided to purchase the same. After returning to Bangalore, he wrote a letter to the shop in Jaisalmer asking them to send one quintal of good oats. After about 15 days, he receives one quintal of oats, but he found them to be very old. He rejected the consignment and asked them for return of the money paid by him. They replied saying that oats would become good only when they were old. But he wanted new oats, which according to him were good. Decision a. Rama Rao will succeed because it is the consumer's own choice to decide the good or badness of the goods. b. Rama Rao will succeed because he has paid money. c. Ram Rao will not succeed because the old oats are good. d. Rama Rao will not succeed because he has to, as per seller act direction. Answer- a 4. Principle: The relationship between partners is governed by the deed of the agreement entered into by them in order to establish the partnership firm. Facts: A, B and C constitute ABC & Co. a partnership firm engaged in the trade of pulses, spices and edible oils. The partnership deed provide that C alone shall be liable for transactions involving trade of pulses. Mohan sells 100 kg of pulses to A for ABC & Co. and A asks Mohan to recover the amount from C citing the term in the partnership deed. a. Mohan can recover the amount only from C. b. C is liable to pay Mohan as per the term in the deed. c. Mohan is not bound to recover the amount only from C. d. A is liable to pay Mohan since he bought on behalf of the firm. Answer-b 5. Legal Principle: When a person does something that causes reasonable apprehension of imminent use of unlawful force in the mind of another person, he is liable for the tort of assault. Facts: Gaurav accidentally brushes against his classmate Himanshu while they're leaving for the college football field to watch a football match. Himanshu accosts Gaurav, tells him he would be cut to pieces for his audacity and walks away. Gaurav sues Himanshu for assault. a. Law does not take note of such trifles. b. Himanshu is liable for the tort of assault. c. Himanshu is not liable for assault. d. Gaurav is liable for battery. Answer- c

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Career Mania 55: Apple iPhone 5 64GB $600

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Career,movies Apple iPhone 5 64GB $600
Sep 30th 2012, 20:59
India's BIGGEST Website for Engineers & Aspiring Engineers!
Apple iPhone 5 64GB $600
Sep 30th 2012, 19:22

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Career Mania 55: GyanCentral - The hub for engineering and law students - IIT-JEE, AIEEE, BITSAT, CLAT, AILET - 2012: Dimensions Preparatory material

Career Mania 55
GyanCentral - The hub for engineering and law students - IIT-JEE, AIEEE, BITSAT, CLAT, AILET - 2012: Dimensions Preparatory material
Sep 30th 2012, 20:07

GyanCentral - The hub for engineering and law students - IIT-JEE, AIEEE, BITSAT, CLAT, AILET - 2012
The most comprehensive career education and test preparation forums in india.
Dimensions Preparatory material
Sep 30th 2012, 19:17

By international agreement a small number of physical quantities such as length, time etc. are chosen and assigned standards. These quantities are called 'base quantities' and their units as 'base units'. All other physical quantities are expressed in terms of these 'base quantities'. The units of these dependent quantities are called 'derived units'. The standard for a unit should have the following characteristics. (a) It should be well defined. (b) It should be invariable (should not change with time) (c) It should be convenient to use (d) It should be easily accessible The 14th general conference on weights and measures (in France) picked seven quantities as base quantities, thereby forming the International System of Units abbreviated as SI (System de International) system. Base quantities and their units The seven base quantities and their units are
Base quantity Unit Symbol
Length Metre M
Mass Kilogram Kg
Time Second Sec
Electric current Ampere A
Temperature Kelvin K
Luminous intensity Candela Cd
Amount of substance Mole Mole
Derived units We can define all the derived units in terms of base units. For example, speed is defined to be the ratio of distance to time. Unit of Speed = (unit of distance (length))/(unit of time) = m/s = ms-1 (Read as metre per sec.) SOME DERIVED SI UNITS AND THEIR SYMBOLS
Quantity Unit Symbol Express in base units
Force newton N Kg-m/sec2
Work joules J Kg-m2/sec2
Power watt W Kg-m2/sec3
Pressure pascal Pa Kg m-1/S2
Important: The following conventions are adopted while writing a unit. (1) Even if a unit is named after a person the unit is not written capital letters. i.e. we write joules not Joules. (2) For a unit named after a person the symbol is a capital letter e.g. for joules we write 'J' and the rest of them are in lowercase letters e.g. seconds is written as 's'. (3) The symbols of units do not have plural form i.e. 70 m not 70 ms or 10 N not 10Ns. (4) Not more than one solid's is used i.e. all units of numerator written together before the '/' sign and all in the denominator written after that. i.e. It is 1 ms-2 or 1 m/s-2 not 1m/s/s. (5) Punctuation marks are not written after the unit e.g. 1 litre = 1000 cc not 1000 c.c. It has to be borne in mind that SI system of units is not the only system of units that is followed all over the world. There are some countries (though they are very few in number) which use different system of units. For example: the FPS (Foot Pound Second) system or the CGS (Centimeter Gram Second) system. Dimensions The unit of any derived quantity depends upon one or more fundamental units. This dependence can be expressed with the help of dimensions of that derived quantity. In other words, the dimensions of a physical quantity show how its unit is related to the fundamental units. To express dimensions, each fundamental unit is represented by a capital letter. Thus the unit of length is denoted by L, unit of mass by M. Unit of time by T, unit of electric current by I, unit of temperature by K and unit of luminous intensity by C. Remember that speed will always remain distance covered per unit of time, whatever is the system of units, so the complex quantity speed can be expressed in terms of length L and time T. Now,we say that dimensional formula of speed is LT-1. We can relate the physical quantities to each other (usually we express complex quantities in terms of base quantities) by a system of dimensions. Dimension of a physical quantity are the powers to which the fundamental quantities must be raised to represent the given physical quantity.
Example Density of a substance is defined to be the mass contained in unit volume of the substance. Hence, [density] = ([mass])/([volume]) = M/L3 = ML-3 So, the dimensions of density are 1 in mass, -3 in length and 0 in time. Hence the dimensional formula of density is written as [ρ]= ML-3T0 It is to be noted that constants such as ½ π, or trigonometric functions such as "sin wt" have no units or dimensions because they are numbers, ratios which are also numbers.
Applications of Dimensions
The limitations are as follows: (i) If dimensions are given, physical quantity may not be unique as many physical quantities have the same dimension. For example, if the dimensional formula of a physical quantity is [ML2T-2] it may be work or energy or even moment of force. (ii) Numerical constants, having no dimensions, cannot be deduced by using the concepts of dimensions. (iii) The method of dimensions cannot be used to derive relations other than product of power functions. Again, expressions containing trigonometric or logarithmic functions also cannot be derived using dimensional analysis, e.g. s = ut + 1/3at2 or y = a sin theta or P= P0e (–Mgh)/RT cannot be derived. However, their dimensional correctness can be verified. (iv) If a physical quantity depends on more than three physical quantities, method of dimensions cannot be used to derive its formula. For such equations, only the dimensional correctness can be checked. For example, the time period of a physical pendulum of moment of inertia I, mass m and length l is given by the following equation. T = 2∏√(I/mgl) (I is known as the moment of Inertia with dimensions of [ML2] through dimensional analysis), though we can still check the dimensional correctness of the equation (Try to check it as an exercise). (v) Even if a physical quantity depends on three Physical quantities, out of which two have the same dimensions, the formula cannot be derived by theory of dimensions, and only its correctness can be checked e.g. we cannot derive the equation.

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