Sunday, September 30, 2012

Career Mania 55: Career Guidance : Campus Recruitment – Skills Important

Career Mania 55
Career,movies Career Guidance : Campus Recruitment – Skills Important
Oct 1st 2012, 05:00
The Engineering Universe
Career Guidance : Campus Recruitment – Skills Important
Oct 1st 2012, 04:27

Most of the Engineering graduates from the engineering colleges and universities in India are getting lots of opportunities. Campus Placements are very useful for an aspirant who has just completed his Graduation. The students who uses his knowledge wisely and carefully will grab the opportunity and enjoy the previlage of working for an Multi National Company. In  this article we are going to give you a detailed description of the Opportunities, Higher education, Entrepreneurship  Campus Placement Process, Tips for the aspirants attending Campus Placements and more..

Opportunities for  Engineering Graduates after the Completion of their Course  :

  • Campus Recruitment
  • Getting jobs in Government sector based on their GATE Score
  • Eligible to apply for the UPSC's Indian Engineering service Exam for getting jobs in Central level
  • Defense services (Indian Army, Navy and Air fore)
  • Banking and Insurance (Preferably not suggested )
  • Research fellowships from the reputed universities and work centers
  • Open placement opportunities, walk in's, online job portals

  Opportunities for Engineering Graduates to do their Higher studies :

This is for the students who want to continue their education to further level. Here are some valuable suggestions and information for such students

  • Based on their gate score they can get seat in the reputed universities for doing their M.Tech  programmes
  • Some institutes and Universities are offering M.Tech programmes irrespective of the GATE Score.
  • They can opt for doing MBA programs in various universities based on their CAT, MAT scores
  • They also can Opt for the Research programs under DRDO, ISRO etc,.
  • Based  on their GRE, TOFEL courses they can get admission In foreign countires  as well.

The students who have done their B.Tech or BE can opt for the Options mentioned above to persue their higher education. They can choose any of those options based on their intrest.

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