Monday, September 3, 2012

Career Mania 55: GyanCentral - The hub for engineering and law students - IIT-JEE, AIEEE, BITSAT, CLAT, AILET - 2012: NLU-D 2009 Unsolved paper

Career Mania 55
GyanCentral - The hub for engineering and law students - IIT-JEE, AIEEE, BITSAT, CLAT, AILET - 2012: NLU-D 2009 Unsolved paper
Sep 3rd 2012, 07:53

GyanCentral - The hub for engineering and law students - IIT-JEE, AIEEE, BITSAT, CLAT, AILET - 2012
The most comprehensive career education and test preparation forums in india.
NLU-D 2009 Unsolved paper
Sep 3rd 2012, 07:39

Solve this paper Time limit- 150 mins Directions: Choose the most appropriate word:
  1. He is _____ of spelling reforms.
    1. a protagonist b. an advocate c. an envoy d. a champion
  2. Negotiable: cheque::
    1. Frozen : Asset b. Inventory : Merchandise
c. Bank : Money d. Trade : Tariff
  1. Hedger : Shrubbery :: ? : Stick
    1. snuffer b. cougher c. whittler d. stickler
  2. Honour : Governor :: ? : Duke
    1. Excellency b. Majesty c. Highness d. Grace
Directions : The sentences in the middle of a passage have been removed. You are provided with the beginning and the end of the passage and the other sentences in a jumbled order. You are to choose the correct order that will make the passage complete and coherent.
  1. 1. When Mrs. Bates came down, the room was strangely empty, with a tension of expectancy
P. Meantime her anger was turned pale with fear Q. She took up her sewing and stitched for some time without raising her head R. She rushed to the stair door and opened it, listening S. The clock struck eight and she rose suddenly, dropping her sewing on the chair 6. Then she went out, locking the door behind her.
  1. SQPR b. QPSR c. SRQP d. PRSQ
  2. 1. Above all,
P: in the present age of light reading Q: it is well if something heavier is cast now and then R: of reading hastily and thoughtlessly S: that is, 6. into the midst of the reading public.
  1. PQRS b. PSRQ c. PRQS d. QSRP
Directions: In the following questions, choose the word which is most nearly the OPPOSITE in meaning to the bold word.
  1. Ductile
    1. virtuous b. grotesque c. contentious d. stubborn
  2. The Prime Minister's radio broadcast galvanized the people's spirit
    1. destructed b. frightened c. distracted d. dampened
  3. Obsequious
    1. Poor b. cheerful c. servile d. sullen
  4. Dialectic
    1. argumentative b. instructive c. constructive d. de4structive
Directions: In the following questions, some of the sentences have errors and some have none. Find out which part of the sentence has an error.
  1. He not only denied (a) / having borrowed money from me,(b) / but also having ever me.(c)/ No error.(d)
  2. The running party stood (a)/ for implementation of the Bill (b)/ and was ready to stake their political existence. (c)/ No error.(d)
  3. If I were he, (a)/ I should not (b)/ accept the post.(c)/ No error(d).
Directions: In this question a paragraph with many numbered blank spaces is given. In case of all the spaces, some phrases for filling up, are suggested. The candidate is to pick up the correct response. ___14___ evening we decided to ____ 15____ camp as the weather was not encouraging. The wind was high and –16- storm clouds __17___ a wild wet night. Moreover we ___18___ at a spot which looked ___ 19___ for a camp. A level ___20__ in the lee of a high hill ___21__ some shelter from the wind; fresh water was near ___22___ in a storm which flowed across the plain; a ___23___ of trees provided adequate supplies of fuel; and the dry grass which ____24___ on the hill side would enhance the comfort of our beds. Each member of the party ____ 25__ a task. Some erected the tents; others prepared a scanty meal; yet others ___ 26___ to the needs of the ponies, now exhausted after a very strenuous day. As the angry sun sank, the bustle of activity was hushed into silence and each man ____ 27___ down to sleep.
  1. a. At the b. After the c. In the d. Before
  2. a. dig b. fixed c. plant d. pitch
  3. a. collecting b. gathering c. accumulating d. moving
  4. a. preceded b. proceeded c. predicted d. proved
  5. a. arrived b. have arrived c. would arrive d. had arrived
  6. a. promise b. promiseful c. promising d. prosperous
  7. a. expense b. land c. expanse d. piece of land
  8. a. gave b. afforded c. supplied d. cast
  9. a. inhand b. on hand c. at hand d. of hand
  10. a. group b. cluster c. collection d. grove
  11. a. abundant b. luxuriant c. abounded d. abounded in
  12. a. allotted b. was allotted c. had allotted d. has allotted
  13. a. will attend b. had attended c. attended d. would have attended
  14. a. settled b. settles c. laid d. lay
  15. At a particular speed, a bus starts vibrating violently due to the phenomenon of
    1. Pitch b. Resonance c. Rumbling d. None of the above
  16. When a bullet is fired upward vertically, it gains in
    1. Speed b. Acceleration c. Kinetic energy d. Potential energy
  17. The metal that is most abundant in the earth is
    1. Silicon b. Iron c. Aluminium d. Nickel
  18. A motorcycle passing by disturbs radio and TV reception. The disturbance is caused because
    1. Intense sound waves shake the delicate electronic components of the receive
    2. Metallic parts of the vehicle deflect the radio waves
    3. The sparking in the spark – plug of the vehicle generates electromagnetic radiation
    4. Modern motorcycle contains an electronic ignition system which emits radio waves
  19. Match the following scientists with their contributions
(A) Weismann I. Theory of Mutation (B) Darwin II. Principle of Independent Assortment (C) Mendal III. Theory of Evolution (D) Hugo-de-varis IV. Continuity of Germplasm
  1. I-(A) II-(B) III-(C) IV-(D)
  2. I-(B) II-(C) III-(D) IV-(A)
  3. I-(D) II-(C) III-(A) IV-(B)
  4. I-(D) II-(C) III-(B) IV-(A)
  5. Who was the first Sultan of Delhi to introduce the practice of 'Sijda'?
    1. Balban b. Muhammad Tughlaq c. Alauddin Khilji d. Firoz Tughlaq
  6. Which of the following is rightly regarded as milestone in the field of education in India?
    1. Sir Charles Wood's Despatch b. Stanley's Despatch
c. Hunter Commission Report d. University Commission
  1. A Public Works Department was set up in India by
    1. Lord Dalhousie b. Lord Ripon c. Lord Warren Hastings d. Lord William Bentinck
  2. The Theory of Economic Drain from India to England was propounded by
    1. R.C. Dutt b. B.G. Tilak c. Dadabhai Naoroji d. L.K. Jha
  3. The Calcutta session of the Indian National Congress held in September 1920, passed a resolution which let to the
    1. Non-Cooperation Movement b. Civil Disobedience Movement
c. Home Rule Movement d. Quit India Movement
  1. A cyclone is a system of wind in which the wind blows spirally
    1. towards the centre of low pressure b. towards central region of high pressure
c. towards a region of low pressure d. outwards from a central region of high pressure
  1. Contour bunding is used
    1. to stop thewinds in sandy deserts b. to irrigate desert areas
c. to prevent erosion in hilly areas d. none of the above
  1. Which of the following is not a closed sea?
    1. Caspian sea b. Aral sea c. Black sea d. Red sea
  2. If Greenwich Mean Time is ahead by 12 hours, the place may be (10 = 4 minutes)
    1. 1800 West b. 1800 East c. 900 West d. none of the above
  3. The orbit of the earth is an ellipse and not a circle. The distance between earth and sun thus varies. On January 9, earth is closest to the sun (Perihelion). Similarly, earth is said to be at Aphelion, when it is farthest from the sun on
    1. March, 23 b. July, 4 c. December, 23 d. April, 21
  4. What is the meaning of 'Gilt edged market'?
    1. Market in Government securities b. Market of smuggled goods
c. Market of auctioned goods d. None of the above
  1. "Reduction in rate of taxation leads to more than proportionate increase in tax yield". This law is known as
    1. Giffins Effect b. Laffer Effect c. Gresham's Law d. None of the above
  2. The VDIS-Voluntary Disclosure of Income Scheme was the brainchild of
    1. P. Chidambaram b. Ram Jethmalani c. Atal Behari Vajpayee d. Sonia Gandhi
  3. A company is said to be 'Sick' when the accumulated loss at the end of any financial year leads to erosion of___ percent of its net wealth.
    1. 100% b. 75% c. 50% d. 25%
  4. Gunnar Myrdal has dealt with the problem of Asian countries in her book ASIAN DRAMA 'regarding
    1. Poverty b. modern industries c. military dictatorship d. neo-colonialism
  5. Wealth tax on agricultural property is levied by
    1. Central Government b. State Governments
c. Both Central and State Governments d. None of the above
  1. One of the following statements was not among the Simon Commission's recommendations
    1. diarchy to be abolished in the provinces b. reconstitution of the Central Legislature
c. establishment of the Provincial Public Service Commission for all Provinces d. Indian Council is not needed to advice the Secretary of State for India.
  1. Which of the following are the principal features of Government of India Act, 1919
1. Introduction of diarchy in the executive government of the provinces 2. Introduction of separate communal electorate for Muslims 3. Devolution of legislative authority by the Centre to the Provinces 4. Expansion and reconstitution of Central and Provincial Legislatures Codes:
  1. 1, 2 and 3 b. 1, 2 and 4 c. 2, 3 and 4 d. 1, 3 and 4
  2. There were ____ Articles and ____ Schedules in the draft of the Constitution of India.
    1. 315, eight b. 319, nine c. 327, ten d. 317 nine
  3. The Indian National Congress asserted in ____ that India would not accept any constitution made by anyone other then people of India and without outside interference.
    1. 1942 b. 1936 c. 1927 d. 1935
  4. Almost all political parties participated and contributed their share in the formation of Indian Constitution. Which one of the following party was not associated with the Constituent Assembly?
    1. Communist Party of India b. Indian National Congress
c. Hindu Mahasabha d. Scheduled Castes Freedom
  1. The expenditure from the Consolidated Fund of India for which the approval of Parliament is not necessary, according to the Constitution of India, is called
a. Charged Expenditure b. Extra Expenditure c. Special Provision Fund d. None of these
  1. Proclamation of Emergency on the ground of internal disturbance was, for the first time made in
    1. 1971 b. 1972 c. 1974 d. 1975
  2. Which one of the following conditions regarding acquisition of citizenship by naturalization has been wrongly listed?
    1. He belongs to a country where citizens of India are permitted to acquire citizenship by naturalization
    2. He ahs been residing in India or serving the Government of India for at least 10 years preceding the date of application
    3. He possesses workable knowledge of an Indian language
    4. He has consistently supported the Indian cause at various national and international forums
  3. Which one of the following statements is correct?
    1. The Right to Private Property was incorporated in the Constitution by the Forty-second Amendment
    2. The Right to Private Property granted by the original constitution but it has since been removed from the list of Fundamental Rights
    3. The Right to Private Property was never a Fundamental Right under the Indian Constitution
    4. The Right to Private Property which was granted by the original Constitution has been made more sacrosanct by the Forty-Forth Amendment.
  4. Which one of the following Directive Principles is non Gandhian?
    1. Promotion of cottage industries in rural areas
    2. Prohibition of the use of intoxicants except for medicinal purposes
    3. Prevention of slaughter of cow, calves and other milch cattle
    4. Provision of free and compulsory education for all the children up to the age of fourteen years
  5. Which one of the following steps cannot be taken by the President during the Financial Emergency?
    1. He can direct the Union and State Governments to observe such canons of financial propriety as he deems desirable
    2. He can suspend the Fundamental Rights of the Indian citizens
    3. He can order reduction of salaries and allowances of all civil servants
    4. He can order the reduction of the salaries of the Supreme Court and High Court judges.
  6. A death sentence by a lower court
    1. Must be confirmed by High Court b. Must be confirmed by Supreme Court
    2. Is operational if no appeal is made to higher courts d. Must be confirmed by the President
  7. How many members are required to support the introduction of a No-Confidence Motion in the Lok Sabha?
a. Two-thirds of the membership of the House b. 50 members c. 80 members d. 60 members
  1. The decision of a High Court is
    1. Binding on other High Courts b. Not binding on other High Courts
c. Occasionally binding on other High Courts d. Of no value for other High Courts
  1. Irresistible impulse is
    1. not covered under insanity b. covered under insanity
c. covered under certain specified circumstances d. covered under circumstance leading to certain consequences
  1. The Supreme Court in its judgement held that non-payment of minimum wages is a type of forced labour.
    1. Asiad workers case b. Minerva Mills case
c. Lokhandwala Mills case d. T.Krishnamachari case
  1. X duly posts a letter of acceptance to Y. But the letter is lost in transit by the negligence of the post office
    1. There is no contract concluded because the acceptance has not reached the proposer
    2. There is no contract concluded because the proposer had not received theletter
    3. The contract is concluded because the acceptance is complete from the date of dispatch, notwithstanding any delay or miscarriage in its arrival from causes not within the acceptor's control d. None of these
  2. Ramesh asks his servant to sell his cycle to him at a price less than that of market price. This contract can be avoided by the servant on the ground of
    1. fraud b. mistake c. undue influence d. coercion
  3. In bookdepot, a catalogue of books enlisting the price of each book and specifying the place where the particular book is available is
    1. an invitation to offer b. an offer c. an invitation to visit the book shop
    2. just a promise to make available the particular book at a particular place at the listed price
  4. Mark the incorrect answer
The main purpose of the Law of Contract is
  1. The satisfaction of human desires in the highest practicable degree
  2. Where there are conflicting human interests and desires, by establishing a judicial and administrative system that acts with reasonable degree of uniformity
  3. To do something in accordance with the norm of prescribed law d. All of the above
  4. Frustration of contract implies
    1. commercial hardship
    2. physical impossibility due to disappearance of the subject matter of the contract or the object has failed to materialize c. both (A) & (B) d. neither (A) nor (B)
  5. With the approval of the Parliament the National Emergency can continue for
    1. a maximum period of three years b. a maximum period of one year
c. an indefinite period d. a maximum period of six months.
  1. Libel is addressed to the eye; slander to the ear. State which of the following statement are slander
    1. slanderous words are uttered by the characters on the dramatic stage
    2. slanderous words are uttered by the characters on the cinema screen
    3. abuses recorded in the gramophone disc d. both (b) and (c)
  2. Choose the correct statement
Doctrine of double jeopardy means
  1. a person should not be punished more than once for the same offence
  2. a person should be punished more than once for the same offence
  3. a man may be put twice in peril for the same offence
  4. a man may commit the same offence twice but will get punishment once only
  5. "What cannot be done directly cannot be done indirectly". This statement epitomizes the doctrine of
    1. pith and substance b. implied powers c. ancillary powers d. colourable legislation
  6. The 39th Amendment laid that election of any person to Lok Sabha holding the office of Prime Minister cannot be challenged before a Court of Law, but only before an authority established by Parliament. This was declared unconstitutional by the Supreme Court in
    1. Keshvananda Bharti Case b. Menaka Gandhi Case
c. Indira Gandhi v. Raj Narain case d. None of the above
  1. The Janata Party Government of Morarjee Desai constituted…….. to find out the truth about the excesses committed by the Indira Gandhi Government during emergency (1975-77)
    1. Shahbano Commission b. Jagmohan Commission
c. Shah Commission d. Nayyar Commission
  1. Public holidays are declared under
    1. Negotiable Instruments Act, 1881 b. Contract Act, 1872
c. Public Employees Act, 1967 d. None of the above
  1. According to law, the maximum number of people who can form a partnership firm is
    1. 10 b. 20 c. 30 d. No limit
  2. A Hindu wife can marry immediately after divorce. A Muslim wife
    1. can also marry immediately b. has to wait till period of Iddat (seclusion) is over
c. has to wait for one year d. none of the above
  1. Sometimes, an accusedseeks pardon from the court and offers to give evidence against all others involved in a crime. He is called….
    1. Witness b. clone c. approver d. accomplice
  2. Under the Motor vehicles Act, 1988, the minimum compensation to be awarded in case of death (vide 1994 amendment) is
    1. Rs.25,000 b. Rs.30,000 c. Rs.40,000 d. Rs.50,000
  3. What is the legal meaning of the word 'Battery'?
    1. Cells, as used in torch, tape recorder etc b. Battering a person to death
c. Actual or intended striking of another person d. Assault resulting in, at least, 6 months hospitalization
  1. Match the following
(A) Malfeasance I. One who falsely pretends to be sick (B) Malingerer II. Minor offences (C) Misdemeanour III. Improper performance of legal duty (D) Misfeasance IV. Doing unlawful act a. I-A II-B III-C IV-D b. I-B II-C III-D IV-A c. I-C II-D III-A IV-B d. I-D II-A III-B IV-C
  1. Once appointed, judges of Supreme Court serve till they attain the age of
    1. 62 years b. 63 years c. 64 years d. 65 years
  2. Gagaram is a wood-cutter. He earns his livelihood by cutting forest trees in Naintial, Uttaranchal. The state of Uttaranchal makes a law prohibiting the cutting of forest trees. Is Gangaram's Constitutional Right infringed?
    1. Yes. Because he may not like to do any other job to earn his bread and butter
    2. No. Because the Government is sovereign and can make any law
    3. Yes. Because he has a fundamental right to life and livelihood under Article 21 of the Constitution and the Government cannot snatch away his bread and butter by making such a law
    4. No. Because the Government has power to make a law for prohibiting the cutting of forest trees under Article 48A of the Constitution
  3. Culpable homicide means causing death
    1. with the intention of causing death
    2. with the intension of causing such bodily injury as is likely to cause death
    3. with the knowledge that by such act death is likely to be caused d. all the above
  4. X takes away a girl out of the custody of her lawful guardians. Which of the following statements is a complete defence is X is charged under section 361 of the Indian Penal Code for kidnapping on the ground that the girl was below the age of eighteen years when taken away?
    1. the girl was a student in a college and could understand what was right or wrong for her
    2. the girl was maltreated by the guardians and X promised her a better life
    3. the girl looked more than 18 years of age and the accused had satisfied himself that she was more than 18 years of age d. none of these
Directions: Given below is a statement of legal principle followed by a factual situation. Apply the principle to the facts given below and select the most appropriate answer.
  1. LEGAL PRINCIPLE: The occupier of a premises owes a duty of care to all his invitees and visitors.
FACTUAL SITUATION: Laloo was running a dairy from his house. People used a part of his farm as a short cut to get to a nearby railway station. Laloo who did not approve of this, putup a notice that "Trespassers will be prosecuted". However, since a number of these people were also his customers he tolerated them. One day, a person who was using this short cut was attacked by a bull belonging to the farm. The injured person filed a suit against him. DECISION:
  1. Laloo is liable for having kept a bull on his farm.
  2. Laloo is not liable in view of the clear notice against trespassers.
  3. Laloo is liable because in fact he allowed the people to use his premises.
  4. Laloo is not liable to the people other than his customers.
Directions: In each of the following questions, a series of letters or number has been arranged in some sequence. Below each are given alternative responses. Find out the correct response.
  1. 2, 6, 14, 11, 15, 23, 20, 24, ____, 29
    1. 31 b. 29 c. 28 d. 32
  2. 97, 86, 73, __, 45, 34
    1. 54 b. 56 c. 58 d. 60
  3. MOQ, SUM, YAC,_____
    1. FIL b. DHJ c. EGI d. XAD
  4. KWZ, MOX, OIV, QET,____
    1. SAQ b. SUR c. RAP d. SAR
Directions: The following five(5) items consist of two statements, one labeled the 'Assertion A' and the other labeled the 'Reason R'.You are to examine these two statements carefully and decide if the Assertion A and the Reason R are individually true and if so whether the Reason is a correct explanation of the Assertion. Select your answers to these items using the codes given below and mark your answer-sheet accordingly. Code: a. Both A and R are true and R is the correct explanation of A b. Both A and R are true but R is not a correct explanation of A c. A is true but R is false d. A is false but R is true
  1. Assertion (A): A stranger to a contract has no right to enforce it against the parties to the contract
Reason (R) : Privity of contract between the parties is essential for enforcement of contract.
  1. Assertion (A): A finder of a thing has title to it.
Reason (R): The finder's title to a thing is superior to that of the owner.
  1. Assertion (A): A minor is not competent to enter into any contract, even for necessaries.
Reason (R): For necessaries supplied to a minor, his estate can be made liable to reimburse.
  1. Assertion (A): A legal right is a legally protected interest.
Reason (R): An element of advantage is essential to constitute a right.
  1. Assertion (A): Customs to have the force of law must be immemorial.
Reason (R): Custom represents common consciousness of people. Directions: In each of the following questions one statement is followed by two arguments (a) and (b) one supporting and the other against it. a. if only argument (a) is strong b. if only argument (b) is strong. c. if either (a) or (b) is strong d. if both (a) and (b) are strong
  1. Statement: Should India adopt a Presidential system?
Arguments (a) Yes-Because our experience of Parliamentary democracy is disappointing (b) No-Because it will concentrate power in the hands of a few people
  1. Statement: Should the death sentence be abolished?
Arguments (a) Yes-The death sentence deprives the culprit of all chances of improving his behavior b. No-Capital punishment restrains criminal tendency. Directions: In each of these questions, a statement is followed by two conclusions (a) and (b). You have to assume everything in the statement to be true, and consider both the conclusions together, and then decide which of the two given conclusions logically follow beyond a reasonable doubt from the information given in the statement. a. if only conclusion (a) follows b. if only conclusion (b) follows c. if either (a) or (b) follows d. if neither (a) nor (b) follows
  1. Statement: The greatest advantage of democracy over all other forms of governments is not that the men who have gone to the top are exceptionally wise, but the since their power depends upon popular support, they known that they cannot retain their position if they are guilty of more than a modicum of injustice.
Conclusions: (a) In a democracy, persons in power cannot act arbitrarily. (b) Democratic countries cannot have excellent leaders.
  1. I go 100 metres towards North from my house, then I turn left and go 200 metres, then turning left I go 200 metres, then again turning left I go 100 metres, and then turning left again I go 100 metres. In which direction am I now form my house?
    1. West b. East c. North d. South
Directions: Some information is provided in the form of statements. On the basis of that information find the answer to the questions which follow.
  1. A cube has six sides each of a different colour
  2. The red side is opposite black
  3. The green side is between red and black
  4. The blue side is adjacent to white
  5. The brown side is adjacent to blue
  6. The red side is face down.
  7. The side opposite to brown is
    1. Red b. Black c. White d. Green
  8. The four colours adjacent to green are_____
    1. Red, Black, Blue and White b. Red, Black, Brown and Blue
c. Red, Black, Brown and White d. Black, Blue, White and Red
  1. K is L's wife's husband's brother. M is the sister of K. N is the sister of L. How is K related to M?
    1. Sister-in-law b. Brother c. Daughter d. Wife
  2. Atul is the son of Zamir. Alka is the daughter of Aman. Sheela is the wife of Aman. Mohan is the son of Sheela. How is Alka related to Mohan?
    1. Sister b. Uncle c. Son d. Father
Directions: Five adults A, B, C, D and E are sitting at Bharat Provision Store. In the group, there are one Manager, one Accountant, one Supplier of provisions. The Accountant, who has a child earns least money. A, who is married to C's sister, earns more than the Manager. D is an unmarried lady and does not do any work. There is one married couple in a group of which B is husband, E is the brother of C and is neither a Supplier nor an Accountant. No lady is a Supplier or Manager. C is neither a Supplier nor an 'Accountant'.
  1. Who is Accountant?
    1. A b. B c. C d. D
  2. Who is Supplier?
    1. A b. B c. C d. D
  3. Who is the wife of B?
    1. A b. B c. C d. E
  4. Who is earning the highest?
    1. A b. B c. C d, D
  5. Who is the sister of C?
    1. A b. B c. C d. D
  6. It is possible to make a meaningful word with the third, the fourth, and the eleventh letters of word 'CONTROVERSIAL' write the first letter of that word.
    1. I b. N c. S d. T
  7. If (a) Chip din chunk means student attends class; (b) din sunk dink means Arjuna is student; (c) jump nink sink means schools are good; (d) dink mup chimp means teacher is good, then what is the code for Arjuna?
    1. Din b. sunk c. dink d. chunk
Directions: In the following groups one does not belong to that group. Find the odd one.
  1. a. Cheese b. Saffron c. Papper d. Lard
  2. a. Hansom b. Victoria c. Growler d. Baroque
Directions: The questions in this section are based on the reasoning contained in brief statements or passages. For some questions, more than one of the choices could conceivably answer the questions. However, you are to choose the best answer; that is, the response that most accurately and completely answers the question. You should not make assumptions that are by commonsense standards implausible, superfluous or incompatible with the passage. Consumer advocate: Businesses are typically motivated primarily by the desire to make as great a profit as possible, and advertising helps businesses to achieve this goal. But it is clear that the motive of maximizing profits does not impel businesses to present accurate information in their advertisements. It follows that consumers should be skeptical of the claims made in advertisements.
  1. Each of the following, if true, would strengthen the consumer advocate's argument EXCEPT:
    1. Business know that they can usually maximize their profits by using inaccurate information in their advertisements.
    2. Business have often included inaccurate information in their advertisements.
    3. Many consumers have a cynical attitude toward advertising
    4. Those who create advertisements are less concerned with the accuracy than with the creativity of advertisements.
  2. Which one of the following, if true, most weakens the science columnist's explanation for the claim that humans have so many diseases in common with cats?
    1. Cats have built up resistance to many of the diseases they have in common with humans.
    2. Most disease that humans have in common with cats have no genetic basis.
    3. Cats have more disease in common with nonhuman primates than with humans.
    4. Many of the disease humans have in common with cats are mild and are rarely diagnosed.
Psychologist: It is well known that becoming angry often induces temporary incidents of high blood pressure. A recent study further showed, however, that people who are easily angered are significantly more likely to have permanently high blood pressure than are people who have more tranquil personalities. Coupled with the long established fact that those with permanently high blood pressure are especially likely to have heart disease, the recent findings indicate that heart disease can result form psychological factors.
  1. Which one of the following would, if true, most weaken the psychologist's argument?
    1. Those who are easily angered are less likely to recover fully from episodes of heart disease than are other people.
    2. Medication designed to control high blood pressure can greatly affect the moods of those who use it.
    3. People with permanently high blood pressure who have tranquil personalities virtually never develop heart disease.
    4. The physiological factors that cause permanently high blood pressure generally make people quick to anger.
A professor of business placed a case-study assignment for her class on her university's computer network. She later found out that instead of reading the assignment on the computer screen, 50 out of the 70 students printed it out on paper. Thus, it is not the case that books delivered via computer will make printed books obsolete.
  1. Which one of the following, if true, most strengthens the argument?
    1. Several colleagues of the professor have found that, in their non-business course, several of their students behave similarly in relation to assignments place on the computer network.
    2. Studies consistently show that most computer users will print reading material that is more than a few pages in length rather than read it on the computer screen.
    3. Some people get impaired vision from long periods of reading printed matter on computer screens, even if they use high quality computer screens.
    4. Scanning technology in very poor, causing books delivered via computer to be full of error unless editors carefully read the scanned versions.
Directions: Each group of questions in this section is based on a set of conditions. Choose the response that most accurately and completely answers each question. A panel reviews six contract bids- H, J, K,R, S and T. No two bids have the same cost. Exactly one of the bids is accepted. The following conditions must hold:
  1. The accepted bid is either K or R and is either the second or the third lowest in cost.
  2. H is lower in cost than each of J and K.
  3. If J is the fourth lowest in cost, then J is higher in cost than each of S and T.
  4. If J is not the fourth lowest in cost, then J is higher in cost than each of S and T.
  5. Either R or S is the fifth lowest in cost.
  6. Which one of the following could be an accurate list of the bids in order form lowest to highest in cost?
    1. T, K, H, S, J, R b. H, T, K, S, R, J c. H, S, T, K, R, J d. H, K, S, J, R, T
  7. Which one of the following bids CANNOT be the fourth lowest in cost?
    1. H b. J c. K d. R
  8. Which one of the following bids CANNOT be the second lowest in cost?
    1. H b. J c. K d. R
Detectives investigation a citywide increase in burglaries questions exactly seven suspects –S, T, V, W, X, Y and Z- each on a different one of seven consecutive days. Each suspect was questioned exactly once. Any suspect who confessed did so while being questioned. The investigation conformed to the following:
  1. T was questioned on day three.
  2. The suspect questioned on day four did not confess.
  3. S was questioned after W was questioned.
  4. Both X and V were questioned after X was questioned.
  5. No suspects confessed after W was questioned.
  6. Exactly two suspects confessed after T was questioned.
  7. Which one of the following could be true?
    1. X was questioned on day one b. V was questioned on day two.
c. Z was questioned on day four d. W was questioned on day five.
  1. If Z was the second suspect to confess, then each of the following statements could be true EXCEPT:
    1. T confessed b. T did not confess c. V did not confess d. Y did not confess
  2. Find the least number that when divided by 16, 18 and 20 leaves a remainder 4 in each case, but is completely divisible by 7.
    1. 364 b. 2254 c. 2884 d. 3234
  3. The average age of three boys is 15 years. If their ages are in the ratio 3:5:7, the age of the youngest boy is
    1. 21 years b. 18 years c. 15 years d. 9 years
  4. A's salary is first increased by 25% and then decreased by 20%. The result is the same as B's salary increased by 20% and then reduced by 25%. Find the ratio of B's salary to that of A's?
    1. 4:3 b. 11:10 c. 10:9 d. 12:11
  5. A man sells 5 articles for Rs.15 and makes a profit of 20%. Find his gain or loss percent if he sells 8 such articles for Rs.18.40.
    1. 2.22% profit b. 2.22% loss c. 8% loss d. 8% profit
  6. What is the simple interest for 9 years on a sum of Rs.800 if the rate of interest for the first 4 years is 8% per annum and for the last 4 years is 6% per annum?
    1. 400 b. 392 c. 352 d. cannot be determined
  7. In Ramnagar Colony, the ratio of school going children to non-school going children is 5:4. if in the next year, the number of non-school going children is increased by 20%, making it 35,400, what is the new ratio of school going children to non-school going children?
    1. 4:5 b. 3:2 c. 25:24 d. None of these
  8. Amar and Akbar left Bhubaneshwar simultaneously and travelled towards Cutack. Amar's speed was 15 km/h and that of Akbar was 12 km/h. Half and hour later, Anthony left Bhuhaneshwar and travelled in the same direction. Some time later, he overtook Akbar and 90 minutes further on he overtook Amar. Find Anthony's speed.
    1. 18 kmph b. 24 kmph c. 12 kmph d. 16 kmph
  9. Five boys and three girls are sitting in a row of eight seats. In how many ways can they be seated so that not all girls sit side by side?
    1. 36,000 b. 45,000 c. 24,000 d. None of these
  10. A bag contains 5 red, 4 green and 3 black balls. If three balls are drawn out of it at random, find the probability of drawing exactly 2 red balls.
    1. 7/22 b. 10/33 c. 7/12 d. 7/11
  11. Ajit can do as much work in 2 days as Baljit can do in 3 days and Baljit can do as much in 4 days as Diljit in 5 days. A piece of work takes 20 days if all work together. How long would Baljit take to do all the work by himself?
    1. 82 days b. 44 days c. 66 days d. 50 days
  12. "Project Tiger" was launched in
    1. 1973 b. 1974 c. 1978 d. 1981
  13. Which of the following fighter air craft was flown by former President Dr. Abdul Kalam?
    1. F-16 b. MI-30 c. Jaguar d. Sukhoi-30 MKI
  14. The name "Baichung Bhutia" is associated with
    1. Football b. Hockey c. Polo d. Cricket
  15. The present Chairperson of the National Human Right Commission of India is
    1. R.C. Lahoti b. Rajendra Babu c. J.S. Verma d. A. S. Anand
  16. The present Secretary General of United Nations Organisation is
    1. Condoleeza Rise b. Shashi Tharoor c. Ban Ki Moon d. Kofi Annan
  1. Who is the author of the book "My Life"?
    1. Bill Clinton b. Tony Blair c. Hillary Clinton d. Dalai Lama
  2. "Golden Handshake" is the term associated with
    1. Share Market b. Investment of Gold
c. Voluntary Retirement Benefits d. Marriage without Dowry
  1. National Disaster Management Authority is constituted under
    1. Natural Calamities Management Act, 2005 b. Disaster Management Act, 2005
c. Planning Commission Decision d. Cabinet Decision
  1. Indian Airlines (New name: Air India) have redesigned their logo which is a graphic wheel. This logo has been inspired from which one of the following?
    1. Khajuraho Temple b. Sun Temple, Konark
c. Mamallapuram Temples d. Hampi Temples
  1. Who has been recently awarded Officer de La Legion 'Honor, the highest award of France?
    1. Shatrughan Sinha b. Lata Mangeshkar c. Amitabh Bachan d. Aishwarya Rai
Directions: Each set of questions in this section is based on the passage. The questions are to be answered on the basis of what is stated or implied in the passage. For some of the questions, more than one of the choices could conceivably answer the question. However, you are to choose the best answer; that is, the response that most accurately and completely answers the questions. Most people acknowledge that not all governments have a moral right to govern and that there are sometimes morally legitimate reasons for disobeying the law, as when a particular law prescribed behaviou that is clearly immoral. It is also commonly supposed that such cases are special exceptions and that, in general, the fact that something is against the law counts as a moral, as well as legal, ground for not doing it; i.e., we generally have a moral duty to obey a law simply because it is the law. But the theory known as philosophical anarchism denies this view, arguing instead that people who live under the jurisdiction of governments have no moral duty to those governments to obey their laws. Some commentators have rejected this position because of what they take to be its highly counter-intuitive implications: (a) that no existing government is morally better than any other (since all are, in a sense, equally illegitimate), and (2) that, lacking any moral obligation to obey any laws, people may do as they please without scruple. In fact, however, philosophical anarchism does not entail these claims. First, the conclusion that no government is morally better than any other does not follow from the claim that nobody owes moral obedience to any government. Even if one denies that there is a moral obligation to follow the laws of any government, one can still evaluate the morality of the policies and actions of various governments. Some governments do more good than harm, and others more harm than good, to their subjects. Some violate the moral rights of individuals more regularly, systematically, and seriously than others. In short, it is perfectly consistent with philosophical anarchism to hold that governments vary widely in their moral stature. Second, philosophical anarchists maintain that all individuals have basic, non-legal moral duties to one another-duties not to harm others in their lives, liberty, health, or goods. Even if governmental laws have no moral force, individuals still have duties to refrain from those actions that constitute crimes in the majority of legal systems (such as murder, assault, theft, and fraud). Moreover, philosophical anarchists hold that people have a positive moral obligation to care for one another, a moral obligation that they might even choose to discharge by supporting cooperative efforts by governments to help those in need. And where others are abiding by established laws, even those laws derived from mere conventions, individuals are morally bound not to violate those laws when doing so would endanger others. Thus, if others obey the law and drive their vehicles on the right, one must not endanger them by driving on the left, for, even though driving on the left is not inherently immoral, it is morally wrong to deliberately harm the innocent.
  1. Which one of the following most accurately expresses the main point of the passage?
    1. Some views that certain commentators consider to be implications of philosophical anarchism are highly counter-intuitive.
    2. Contrary to what philosophical anarchists claim, some governments are morally superior to others and citizens under legitimate governments have moral obligations to one another
    3. It does not follow logically from philosophical anarchism that no government is morally better than any other or that people have no moral duties towards one another.
    4. Even if, as certain philosophical anarchists claim, governmental laws lack moral force, people still have a moral obligation to refrain from harming one another.
  1. The author identifies which one of the following as a commonly held belief?
    1. In most cases we are morally obligated to obey the law simply because it is the law.
    2. All governments are in essence morally equal.
    3. We are morally bound to obey only those laws we participate in establishing.
    4. Most crimes are morally neutral, even though they are illegal.
  2. The author's stance regarding the theory of philosophical anarchism can most accurately be described as one of
    1. ardent approval of most aspects of the theory
    2. apparent acceptance of some of the basic positions of the theory
    3. concerned pessimism about the theory's ability to avoid certain extreme views
    4. hesitant rejection of some of the central features of the theory
  3. By attributing to commentators the view that philosophical anarchism has implications that are "counter-intuitive", the author most likely means that the commentators believe that
    1. the implications conflict with some commonly held beliefs
    2. there is little empirical evidence that the implications are actually true
    3. common sense indicates that philosophical anarchism does not have such implications
    4. the implications appear to be incompatible with each other
  4. Which one of the following scenarios most completely conforms to the view attributed to philosophical anarchists in the third paragraph?
    1. A member of a political party that is illegal in a particular country divulges the names of other members because he fears legal penalties.
    2. A corporate executive chooses to discontinue illegally when she learns that the chemicals are contaminating the water supply.
    3. A person who knows that a co-worker has stolen funds from their employer decided to do nothing because the co-worker is widely admired.
    4. A person neglects to pay her taxes, even though it is likely that she will suffer severe legal penalties as a consequence, because she wants to use the money to finance a new business.
  5. It can be inferred that the author would be most likely to agree that
    1. people are subject to more moral obligations than is generally held to be the case
    2. governments that are morally superior recognize that their citizens are not morally bound to obey their laws
    3. one may have good reason to support the efforts of one's government even if one has no moral duty to obey its laws
    4. there are some sound arguments for claiming that most government have a moral right to require obedience to their laws
  6. The author's discussion of people's positive moral duty to care for one another functions primarily to
    1. demonstrate that governmental efforts to help those in need are superfluous
    2. suggest that philosophical anarchists maintain that laws that foster the common good are extremely rare
    3. imply that the theoretical under-pinnings of philosophical anarchism are inconsistent with certain widely held moral truths
    4. indicate that philosophical anarchists recognize that people are subject to substantial moral obligations.
  7. In the passage, the author seeks primarily to
    1. describe the development and theoretical under-pinnings of a particular theory
    2. establish that a particular theory conforms to the dictates of common sense
    3. argue that two necessary implications of a particular theory are morally acceptable
    4. defend a particular theory against its critics by showing that their arguments are mistaken

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